An Interview With... The John Michie Collective


All you need to know about the guitar-based psychedelia of The John Michie Collective 

Here at Middle Eight, we're keen to showcase up and coming artists who are working hard to make themselves heard.

Recently, we spoke to The John Michie Collective, the solo project of John Michie, a multi-instrumentalist hailing from the North East of England.

The John Michie Collective's debut album 'High Vibrations' is out February 12 and John was kind enough to share the project with us here at Middle Eight.

The first piece of praise to heap onto the album is its originality. All coming from the mind of John Michie, 'High Vibrations' is an exceptionally ambitious project that engulfs the listener and makes you admire the sheer talent on show. From shimmering guitar to the northern attitude in the minimal presence of John's vocals, 'High Vibrations' is not just a collection of tracks compiled together, it's one man's blood sweat and tears fulfilling a long-held ambition to make his own music.

Find out more about The John Michie Collective below.

Who are you and where are you based?

I am John from The John Michie Collective, a one-man band from the North East of England. I predominantly record in my bedroom as well as a friend's house when I can get to him. I can play a few instruments, all badly, but I mainly see myself as a song writer / mixing engineer. I have a love for the technical aspects of recording music and love throwing the kitchen sink at my projects.

How did you first get into music?

I have always been a music lover and remember playing Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds on cassette as a small kid and being completely freaked out by his soundscapes. I didn't start to play music until aged 15 when I got my first guitar. I then spent the next seventeen years writing songs and not really doing much with them.

That was until I heard Grimes's album 'Visions' and was just blown away learning that she had recorded it on GarageBand by herself. That, coupled with a life-style change in quitting a job that I hated, gave me the will power and motivation to do something with my music. I started learning every part of the recording process and stumbling on my sound.

Who are your main musical influences?

The Beatles, Pink Floyd, The Chemical Brothers, and Grimes. I think you can definitely hear the winks to these guys in my sound. Also, the greats like Bowie, T. Rex, Sex Pistols, The Jam and so on. My musical tastes are incredibly broad and there isn't much that I don't listen to.

High Vibrations by The John Michie Collective is out on February 12, pre-save here.

How would you describe the music you make?

It's the sound of Iggy Pop joining The Beatles and annoying the hell out of Ringo. Pretty much anything goes in the music I make - from the classic anthem to the complete abstract. It is, however, very guitar driven currently. I am keen to fuse that more with drum machines and explore dance music.

Which artist do you currently have on repeat?

I am actually listening to a lot of unsigned music at the moment. There is a lot going on in the musical underground that is just being ignored, but it's refreshing. I think my top listening for unsigned artists are currently either Mancient or Genetic Effects. If you are talking specifically on well-known artists, the last one was The Righteous Brothers.

What are your plans for the future?

I have my debut album out on February 12 called High Vibrations and a number of singles all ready to go. So, I think the plan is to ride these releases and wait for Covid to end. Then have a massive party to celebrate the return of normality. I also plan to start recording new material in March/April time too.

John's song writing capabilities are undoubted, and his effort and clear hard work demands to be rewarded.

You can listen to The John Michie Collective here, follow him on Twitter and Instagram, and check out his website here.

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