Introducing - Weekend Debt


Putting the spotlight on artists who you might not know yet, but you need to. This week it's Glasgow's self-described 'innovative indie band' Weekend Debt

The Scottish four-piece state the likes of fellow countrymen The View and Fatherson as influences, but they're not here to just copy those before them. Weekend Debt have their own sound and it is only a matter of time until they are breaking through the boarder and tearing into the UK indie scene.

Weekend Debt's debut EP, Boyfriend Averse, landed in 2017 and with local backing, the band are racking up the listens on Spotify as they continue to release top tunes that are yet to be discovered by the masses.

The lads are building a faithful following, and their latest single 'Pomposity' is just the most recent of an impressive back catalogue of bangers.

Drawing you in with the emotion of lead singer Grant's isolated vocals, before picking you up with a classic indie pop riff, 'Pomposity' is a song that stories a rocky relationship, yet is delivered with a deliberately upbeat tempo.

It's a song that makes you wish you were bellowing back the chorus in a sweaty basement gig with your mates, and hopefully it won't be long before we can.

Weekend Debt have already headlined Glasgow's legendary King Tut's and with more milestones surely not far around the corner, be sure to check them out now so you can claim you were a fan in the early days rather than jumping on the bandwagon late on.

Follow Weekend Debt's social media here: 

And check out the boys on Spotify or YouTube, or visit their website.

Middle Eight
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